checks Django
Check DNS Server functionality
sensu go mutator to create dynamic checks using event labels
The Sensu dynamic event mutator enriches the event payload.
Provides a diverse set of monitoring options for AWS EBS
Discover EC2 instances and manage Sensu Entities for them.
The Sensu Go AWS EC2 de-registration handler
Sensu Go Handler for sending events and metrics to Elasticsearch for indexing and/or visualization in Kibana
Sensu Go Email Handler Plugin
Sensu Go Email Handler Plugin
A Sensu Go check plugin to collect Sensu Enterprise (Classic) metrics
Event-based Sensu entity management for service-discovery (add/remove subscriptions) and other automation workflows.
Event-based Sensu entity management for service-discovery (add/remove subscriptions) and other automation workflows.
Check and Metrics for etcd
Sensu mutator to remove redundant event information
A simple HTTP check for Sensu Go (Demo)
fast api check
Sensu filename check
Sensu-Go Check for Chrony NTP daemon