Sensu Assets for the project
Sensu Assets for the project
Generic Monitoring checks
AWS checks
HMLR Specific Monitoring
Sensu check/metrics collector for MySQL
a simple MySQL/MariaDB health check written in Go for Sensu.
A suite of nagios style checks and metrics covering the basic needs for monitoring in a sensu-like system. Delivers a mostly unified check interface for windows / debian / rhel across 32 and 64 bit architectures.
Network interface monitoring for Sensu Go.
A Sensu check and metrics collector for NGINX
This is a private repo to test bonsai private asset upload
Secret from K8S to a Handler
The Sensu Go Aggregate Check Plugin
The Sensu Go Aggregate Check Plugin
Checks for monitoring Apache Airflow 2.x
Use Alerta as a dashboard for Sensu
Sensu Alertmanager handler.
Parse Alerts in Alert Manager and post it into Sensu Agent API
A Sensu Go Handler for launching Ansible Tower Job Templates for automated remediation.
Sensu Assets for the project