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48f8f5a update goreleaser "main" package configuration
9830bc0 fix mem/swap Usage for zero total cornercase
45946e1 fix for used memory/swap calculation for corner case when total swap/mem is 0
671ad45 fix for load stats for windows
a6107f7 set test interval for collectionMetrics test
34ab732 run go mod tidy
df00698 fix up go.mod
2400046 print output in test for visual inspection
f4c2cf6 make linter happy
ee47ff2 remove unneeded workflow
88465b6 add test for collectMetrics
3538b4e add github action to test output
d2bec7b add number of processes metric
c02a4e1 add uptime metric
4397501 add metrics output description
a1b80fd update readme
d50960d output number of cores on the system, its needed to help interpret metrics like load.
8ff4fa4 add cpu load and mem metrics
bad2130 initial cpu metrics output
2c65d10 first commit

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