A Sensu plugin for collecting system resource metrics from the procfile system, with the aim to provide a Sensu-native alternative to Collectd's built-in system resource telemetry.
Sensu check that searches for certain running processes
Network interface monitoring for Sensu Go.
A cross-platform Sensu Metrics Check that provides baseline system metrics in prometheus format
Monitors and metrics for the Ceph Storage System
Sensu NTP offset check for Linux (ntpd or chrony)
Simple cross-platform CPU usage check
This plugin provides native environmental instrumentation for metrics collection, including: temperature via `sensors`.
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Simple cross-platform memory and swap usage checks
A CPU check for Sensu Go
Simple cross-platform CPU usage check
A memory check for Sensu Go.
Check for system uptime using Sensu Go
Monitor Proxmox Virtual Environment VMs, Nodes, Clusters