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d35c80c first-commit
0fddfc6 Merge pull request #13 from sensu/add-bonsai-badge
347a47a Add Alex's suggested fix
3f8a037 Change how Travis setups and runs goreleaser (#14)
1c7b1f8 Update
b21fa78 Adding Bonsai Badge
f3e338c Merge pull request #8 from jspaleta/fix/issue-5
9833ad8 Merge pull request #6 from sensu/travis-go-tests
05a1572 correct the asset filter syntax in the .bonsai.yml
acd08a7 run go tests on travis
fbcf8a5 Merge pull request #4 from sensu/feature/license
184a852 include MIT license file
99f2229 Merge pull request #3 from sensu/feature/bonsai-yml
4421a84 utilize new bonsai file template param "repo"
876b539 example bonsai yaml config
13713dc initial sensu go plugin skeleton

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