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Sensu Go Elasticsearch metric handler plugin

Bonsai Asset Badge TravisCI Build Status

sensu-go-elasticsearch is a sensu go handler for pushing metric data and full
event bodies into elasticsearch for visualization in kibana.


Download the latest version of the sensu-go-elasticsearch from releases,
or create an executable script from this source.

From the local path of the sensu-go-elasticsearch repository:

go build -o /usr/local/bin/sensu-go-elasticsearch main.go


Example Sensu Go definition for metric handling:

Define an asset:

  "type": "Asset",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "sensu-go-elasticsearch",
    "namespace": "nbo_development",
    "labels": {},
    "annotations": {}
  "spec": {
    "url": "",
    "sha512": "66e580e43b1babba0622d7df2a2d1482cfb4454e9fc050af60ff7b9bdd1a44874b485566d34f5291505c498703f7457221590dcdcdb9d75f5d5b8d80c9eeb901"

Add a handler for metrics:

  "type": "Handler",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "elasticsearch",
    "namespace": "CHANGEME"
  "spec": {
    "type": "pipe",
    "command": "sensu-go-elasticsearch --index event_index_name --dated_index",
    "env_vars": [
    "runtime_assets": [
    "filters": [

Add a handler for full event data (note the -f flag):

  "type": "Handler",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "elasticsearch",
    "namespace": "CHANGEME"
  "spec": {
    "type": "pipe",
    "command": "sensu-go-elasticsearch --index event_index_name --dated_index --full_event_logging",
    "env_vars": [
    "runtime_assets": [

Usage Examples


The Sensu Go handler for metric and event logging in elasticsearch
Required:  Set the ELASTICSEARCH_URL env var with an appropriate connection url (https://user:pass@hostname:port)

  sensu-go-elasticsearch [flags]

  -d, --dated_index          Should the index have the current date postfixed? ie: metric_data-2019-06-27
  -f, --full_event_logging   send the full event body instead of isolating event metrics
  -h, --help                 help for sensu-go-elasticsearch
  -i, --index string         metric_data



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Either download the source code:

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Or download the asset definition: