Sensu Tripwire Plugins
The Sensu Go Aggregate Check Plugin
Sensu handler for the Big Panda service
Sensu Go Handler for sending events and metrics to Elasticsearch for indexing and/or visualization in Kibana
Sensu Go Email Handler Plugin
A Sensu Go check plugin to collect Sensu Enterprise (Classic) metrics
Sensu Go InfluxDB Metrics Handler
Sensu Go PagerDuty Handler
Discover system processes and output a list of agent subscriptions.
The Sensu Go Relay handler to relay Events to another Sensu Go installation.
Sensu Go Ruby 3.2 Runtime Assets
The Sensu Go Ruby Runtime Asset
This plugin provides native Azure instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: health and metrics for various Azure services
This plugin provides native Cassandra instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, and various `nodetool` checks (e.g. schema disagreement, `tpstats` metrics, etc) and more.
Sensu plugins for chrony NTP
This plugin provides native DNS instrumentation for monitoring, including: record resolution
Sensu plugins for using Inspec based checks
Sensu plugins for Kubernetes
This plugin provides navite Mesos instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health and metrics for Mesos, Chronos, and Marathon.
This plugin provides native MySQL instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, `InnoDB` locks, replication status, metrics collection, and sending metrics to a MySQL database.