a simple MySQL/MariaDB health check written in Go for Sensu.
Simple cross-platform network statistics checks
Sensu NTP offset check for Linux (ntpd or chrony)
Sensu NTP offset check for Linux (ntpd or chrony)
Check pod metrics via metrics server
Check S.M.A.R.T. statistics for all storage devices.
A Sensu check written in Go which monitors Tempager 3e using SNMP.
Unbound check for Sensu
An updated version of the default check-cpu-usage Sensu check, with an added process profiler.
This plugin provides native Graphite instrumentation for monitoring, including: replication status, various Graphite data queries, mutators, and handlers
A Sensu Go backend integration for enriching extracted metric points with Entity metadata.
Sensu Check for DNS operation
Sensu check plugin to grab metrics from the Google Cloud Platform's Monitoring API
Sensu asset packaging repo for go-check-plugins
A Sensu check and metrics collector for HAProxy
HTTP checks for use with Sensu
HTTP checks for use with Sensu
HTTP checks for use with Sensu
Generic Monitoring checks
Sensu Assets for the monitoring-plugins.org project