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v0.1.0 · public · Published over 2 years ago

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Sensu Bonsai Asset
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DNS Check


DNS Check is a Sensu Metrics Check for monitoring dns resolver performance and behavior.

Output Metrics

Name Description
dns_response_time Response time for a given dns query.
dns_resolved Binary signal returns 0 when the record can be resolved. Otherwise 1.
dns_secure Binary signal returns 0 when the server response indicates that DNSSEC signatures have been validated for all records. Otherwise 1.

Usage examples

➜  dns-check -s "," -d ""
# HELP dns_resolved binary result 0 when the query can be resolved, otherwise 1
# TYPE dns_resolved gauge
dns_resolved{servername="", domain="", record_class="IN", record_type="A"} 0.000000 1639497858941
dns_resolved{servername="", domain="", record_class="IN", record_type="A"} 0.000000 1639497858941
# HELP dns_response_time round trip response time to resolve the query in seconds
# TYPE dns_response_time gauge
dns_response_time{servername="", domain="", record_class="IN", record_type="A"} 0.014646 1639497858941
dns_response_time{servername="", domain="", record_class="IN", record_type="A"} 0.014858 1639497858941
# HELP dns_secure binary result 0 when the server indicates dnssec signatures were validated, otherwise 1
# TYPE dns_secure gauge
dns_secure{servername="", domain="", record_class="IN", record_type="A"} 1.000000 1639497858941
dns_secure{servername="", domain="", record_class="IN", record_type="A"} 1.000000 1639497858941


The DNS Check tool does no signature validation or verification of its own, but instead relies solely on the upstream resolver to inform the dns_secure metric. dns_secure is set 0 (OK) when the AD Bit is set in the response regardless of response status or answer.

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