Sensu Varnish Plugins
Sensu plugins patroni monitoring
The Sensu Go Slack handler for notifying a channel.
Sensu handler for the Big Panda service
FTP Checks (21 port only, not SFTP)
test sensu check
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Sensu etcd Plugins
Sensu Check for DNS operation
The Sensu Cert Check is a cross-platform Sensu Metrics Check that provides certificate metrics in prometheus format.
Network interface monitoring for Sensu Go.
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This plugin provides native environmental instrumentation for metrics collection, including: temperature via `sensors`.
Monitors and metrics for the Ceph Storage System
Sensu Go PostgreSQL Check and Metrics
Simple cross-platform disk usage check
Simple cross-platform load average check
A Sensu check and metrics collector for HAProxy
A Sensu Go handler for sending compact alerts to Slack
The Sensu Go Ruby Runtime Asset arm64