MIT License
v0.2.1-1 · public · Published over 4 years ago
Table of Contents
Sensu Go handler to send paging events to xMatters such that on-call engineers receive notifications of issues in their infrastructure.
This plugin is based almost entirely off sensu-hangouts-chat-handler
sensu-xmatters-handler [flags]
-d, --debug Enable debug mode, which prints JSON object which would be POSTed to the xMatters webhook instead of actually POSTing it
-h, --help help for sensu-xmatters-handler
-w, --webhook string The Webhook URL, use default from XMATTERS_WEBHOOK env var
-a, --withAnnotations string The xMatters handler will parse check and entity annotations with these values. Use XMATTERS_ANNOTATIONS env var with commas, like: documentation,playbook
Assets are the best way to make use of this plugin. If you're not using an asset, please consider doing so! If you're using sensuctl 5.13 or later, you can use the following command to add the asset:
sensuctl asset add toozej/sensu-go-xmatters-handler:0.1
If you're using an earlier version of sensuctl, you can find the asset on the Bonsai Asset Index.
Example asset manifest:
type: Asset
api_version: core/v2
name: sensu-go-xmatters-handler
url: https://CHANGEME
sha512: CHANGEME
Example resource definition:
api_version: core/v2
type: Handler
name: sensu-go-xmatters-handler
namespace: default
type: pipe
command: 'sensu-go-xmatters-handler -w "${XMATTERS_WEBHOOK}"'
timeout: 0
- is_incident
- not_silenced
- sensu-go-xmatters-handler
Requires the env_var "XMATTERS_WEBHOOK" to be set to a valid inbound xMatters generic webhook URL like ""
Optionally supply an env_var "XMATTERS_ANNOTATIONS" to be set to a string containing Sensu Go check and/or entity annotations like "documentation"
This repo supplies four example event files: a warning event and resolved event pair, and a warning event and resolved event pair including additional annotations. To see what the JSON object POSTed to the configured xMatters webhook endpoint looks like for each of these events, you can run the below Bash one-liner:
for file in `ls ./example-*.json`; do cat ${file} | /usr/local/bin/sensu-go-xmatters-handler -w -d; done
The preferred way of installing and deploying this plugin is to use it as an asset. If you would like to compile and install the plugin from source or contribute to it, download the latest version of the sensu-go-xmatters-handler from releases or create an executable script from this source.
From the local path of the sensu-go-xmatters-handler repository:
go build -o /usr/local/bin/sensu-go-xmatters-handler main.go
For more information about contributing to this plugin, see
Please describe the reason for reporting this asset. Our moderators will be notified and will disable the asset if it is found to be inappropriate.