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65bdb5d Release 1.2.0
d8c315c Merge pull request #26 from sensu/refactoring
75a4966 Update CI to use Github actions
fe25e78 Update README
98d7ff8 Support deprecated environment variables
6c75082 Code cleanup
96d4ff5 Migrate to go modules and upgrade dependencies
0575cb2 Merge pull request #23 from asachs01/update-readme-for-clarity
cf88ad4 Update
d251313 Update
a5a1772 Update
deb5bba MOAR Clarity
8bbb102 Missing anchor link
b241a10 Adds badges
25a686d Updating readme for clarity
249ed50 Merge pull request #19 from sayakju/sensu-go-plugin-integration
a83ba0a Adding direct dependency on library
81b2ba0 Changes based on review comments:
3b0d0d3 Changes based on review comments:
22a77ba Changes based on PR Feedback
67fcc2e Removing unnecessary event check from main.go. These checks are already being performed in sensu-plugins-go-library
0f37d31 test case fix
5efd672 test case fix
1a44efd Revert testcase changes
93c0384 Initial commit
a2308d4 Change how Travis setups and runs goreleaser (#15)
5dd4173 Merge pull request #14 from calebhailey/master
2b1c1d6 Run gofmt, remove log.Fatal calls
275901c fix tests
2932e46 refactored to eliminate use of reflect, per suggestions from @echlebek!
eeee5dd reverse the order here to match the heirarchy in Sensu classic
8977410 s/integrations/plugins/
2535383 simple build script
788184d next: add support for envvar-based overrides
266b461 initial commit of annotation-based configuration overrides!
b419bbb Merge pull request #13 from sensu/cleanup
7f9ef87 Removes redundant files, updates travis post deploy script, updates license file, and general cleanup.

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