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70cd9aa Add changelog
f03051c Create a readme
63f570c dep init and commit vendor
d6dc2a4 Update travis key
aa08d95 Add goreleaser and travis files
5c1456a Audit event polymorphism (#1486)
79c0d72 Use the iconurl & username in slack handler (#1211)
a7ae641 Use megacheck instead of errcheck. (#1055)
22fba33 Duplicate CheckConfig fields in Check. (#1012)
fb537c5 CLI audit: required flags, interactive flag, error checking (#998)
f2471c8 Remove error check to appease appveyor.
a5a35c6 Add errcheck to the linter.
5f1f747 add LICENSE to each of our golang packages
d8831a3 Update remaining backend services for CheckConfig
1b68098 lint & unit test fixes
47cd53c initial slack handler; push eventd events to messagebus
c5516ff moar tests
9bda1d9 initial implementation of slack handler

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