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Sensu Go Ruby Runtime Assets

This project provides Sensu Go Assets containing portable Ruby
runtimes (for various platforms), based on the excellent ruby-install project
by postmodern
. In practice, this Ruby runtime asset should allow
Ruby-based scripts (e.g. Sensu Community plugins) to be
packaged as separate assets containing Ruby scripts and any corresponding gem
dependencies. In this way, a single shared Ruby runtime may be delivered to
systems running the new Sensu Go Agent via the new Sensu's new Asset framework
(i.e. avoiding solutions that would require a Ruby runtime to be redundantly
packaged with every ruby-based plugin).

This same project may be used to build Sensu Assets for Ruby-based plugins via
bundler or other similar tools. We'll share more information on
building Ruby-based assets with third-party gem depdencies using Bundler soon;
in the interim, please review the instructions below for more information on
how to get started with this project.


Please note the following instructions:

  1. Use a Docker container to install ruby-install, build a Ruby, and generate
    a local_build Sensu Go Asset.

    $ docker build --build-arg "RUBY_VERSION=2.4.4" -t sensu-ruby-runtime:2.4.4-alpine -f Dockerfile.alpine .
    $ docker build --build-arg "RUBY_VERSION=2.4.4" -t sensu-ruby-runtime:2.4.4-debian -f Dockerfile.debian .
  2. Extract your new sensu-ruby asset, and get the SHA-512 hash for your
    Sensu asset!

    $ mkdir assets
    $ docker run -v "$PWD/assets:/assets" sensu-ruby-runtime:2.4.4-debian cp /assets/sensu-ruby-runtime_2.4.4_debian_linux_amd64.tar.gz /assets/
    $ shasum -a 512 assets/sensu-ruby-runtime_2.4.4_debian_linux_amd64.tar.gz
  3. Put that asset somewhere that your Sensu agent can fetch it. Perhaps add it to the Bonsai asset index!

  4. Create an asset resource in Sensu Go.

    First, create a configuration file called sensu-ruby-runtime-2.4.4-debian.json with
    the following contents:

      "type": "Asset",
      "api_version": "core/v2",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "sensu-ruby-runtime-2.4.4-debian",
        "namespace": "default",
        "labels": {},
        "annotations": {}
      "spec": {
        "url": "http://your-asset-server-here/assets/sensu-ruby-runtime-2.4.4-debian.tar.gz",
        "sha512": "4f926bf4328fbad2b9cac873d117f771914f4b837c9c85584c38ccf55a3ef3c2e8d154812246e5dda4a87450576b2c58ad9ab40c9e2edc31b288d066b195b21b",
        "filters": [
          "entity.system.os == 'linux'",
          "entity.system.arch == 'amd64'",
          "entity.system.platform == 'debian'"

    Then create the asset via:

    $ sensuctl create -f sensu-ruby-runtime-2.4.4-debian.json
  5. Create a second asset containing a Ruby script.

    To run a simple test using the Ruby runtime asset, create another asset
    called helloworld-v0.1.tar.gz with a simple ruby script at
    bin/helloworld.rb; e.g.:

    #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    require "date"
    puts "Hello world! The time is now #{}"

    NOTE: this is a simple "hello world" example, but it shows that we have
    support for basic stlib gems!

    Compress this file into a g-zipped tarball and register this asset with
    Sensu, and then you're all ready to run some tests!

  6. Create a check resource in Sensu 2.0.

    First, create a configuration file called helloworld.json with
    the following contents:

      "type": "CheckConfig",
      "api_version": "core/v2",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "helloworld",
        "namespace": "default",
        "labels": {},
        "annotations": {}
      "spec": {
        "command": "helloworld.rb",
        "runtime_assets": ["sensu-ruby-runtime-2.4.4-debian", "helloworld-v0.1"],
        "publish": true,
        "interval": 10,
        "subscriptions": ["docker"]

    Then create the asset via:

    $ sensuctl create -f helloworld.json

    At this point, the sensu-backend should begin publishing your check
    request. Any sensu-agent member of the "docker" subscription should
    receive the request, fetch the Ruby runtime and helloworld assets,
    unpack them, and successfully execute the helloworld.rb command by
    resolving the Ruby shebang (#!/usr/bin/env ruby) to the Ruby runtime
    on the Sensu agent $PATH.:wq

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