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v0.0.4 · public · Published almost 5 years ago

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Release Assets

linux 386
SHA: 6c1306d317dba76d2a56301994e1308c8bdc966d4510ce995f921fdb4b1984ad84fc4f76ee3fb0cfed17f13c620b6934b3966ac51f31500b81676989eb65ccac
Last Modified: 2020-02-04
linux amd64
SHA: 02490ec9eeed52c1fc7363386135647ac498e4bf9f2739b96b8feee82f82a26d0e3ca1e07d9529186a64da91fe4c0842bbaee4f804dbc64c1b3d2367e9788cfe
Last Modified: 2020-02-04
linux arm64
SHA: 95a47ff48bf9c85410a95a2db5a9c5da902482b198fd419bd1ee8e360716951e6037fadb8974be7feecbd5bc9862480366e1b7f383422bd0666f03a82f4feacb
Last Modified: 2020-02-04
linux armv7
SHA: b5f9eaef58a38990084d86ad0291e6e065fbd0f1323ca09905be10519eda748ce15ce1ebc8bd20b400d9066ebe226ae08f1cecc735c6394649432a905beac95c
Last Modified: 2020-02-04

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