v0.1.0 · public · Published about 4 years ago
The Sensu Microsoft Teams handler is a Sensu Event Handler that sends
event data to a configured Microsoft Teams channel.
The Sensu Go Jira Handler is an Enterprise plugin that requires a valid Sensu license to run.
Sensu Go >= 5.21 will add the SENSU_LICENSE_FILE
environment variable to the handler execution.
To run the plugin independently of Sensu (ex. test/dev), you must set the env var:
SENSU_LICENSE_FILE=$(sensuctl license info --format json)
This link will help to setup an incoming webhook that is needed by this
Sensu Assets are the best way to make use of this plugin. If you're not
using an asset, please consider doing so! If you're using sensuctl 5.13 with
Sensu Backend 5.13 or later, you can use the following command to add the asset:
sensuctl asset add sensu/sensu-microsoft-teams-handler
If you're using an earlier version of sensuctl, you can find the asset on the
Bonsai Asset Index.
type: Handler
api_version: core/v2
name: microsoft-teams
namespace: default
command: sensu-microsoft-teams-handler
type: pipe
- is_incident
- not_silenced
- sensu/sensu-microsoft-teams-handler
secret: microsoft_teams_webhook_url
Security Note: The Microsoft Teams webhook URL is treated as a security
sensitive configuration option in this example and is loaded into the handler
config as a secret instead of as a command argument.
This handler supports the use of the environment variables HTTP_PROXY,
HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY (or the lowercase versions thereof). HTTPS_PROXY takes
precedence over HTTP_PROXY for https requests. The environment values may be
either a complete URL or a "host[:port]", in which case the "http" scheme is
All arguments for this handler are tunable on a per entity or check basis based
on annotations. The annotations keyspace for this handler is
To change the host argument for a particular check, for that checks's
metadata add the following:
type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
annotations: ""
The Sensu Go Microsoft Teams handler for notifying a channel/team
sensu-microsoft-teams-handler [flags]
sensu-microsoft-teams-handler [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
version Print the version number of this plugin
-i, --icon-url string The URL for an icon to display in the message (default is no icon)
-m, --message-template string The template for the message to be sent, in Golang text/template format (default is no template, but a preformatted message)
-s, --summary-template string The template for the summary, in Golang text/template format (may not be reflected in Teams client) (default "Sensu Event: {{.Entity.Name}}/{{.Check.Name}}: {{.Check.State}}")
-t, --title-template string The template for the title, in Golang text/template format (default "Sensu Event")
-w, --webhook-url string The webhook URL to send messages to (default is the value of MICROSOFT_TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL env variable
-h, --help help for sensu-microsoft-teams-handler
Use "sensu-microsoft-teams-handler [command] --help" for more information about a command.
This handler provides options for using templates to populate the values
provided by the event in the message, summary, and title fields in a Teams
message. The message template also provides limited support of markdown
to further embellish the message formatting.
More information on template syntax and format can be found in
the documentation
Notice the format of the message when not using --message-template
sensu-microsoft-teams-handler --icon-url
sensu-microsoft-teams-handler --title-template "Sensu Event - {{.Entity.Name}}/{{.Check.Name}}"
This makes use of the limited markdown support.
sensu-microsoft-teams-handler --message-template "**Entity:** {{.Entity.Name}}\n**Check:** {{.Check.Name}}\n**State:** {{.Check.State}}\n**Output**: {{.Check.Output}}"
sensu-microsoft-teams-handler --message-template "**Entity:** {{.Entity.Name}}\n**Check:** {{.Check.Name}}\n**State:** {{.Check.State}}\n**Output**: {{.Check.Output}}" --title-template "Sensu Event - {{.Entity.Name}}/{{.Check.Name}}" --icon-url
sensu-microsoft-teams-handler --message-template "**Entity:** {{.Entity.Name}}\n**Check:** {{.Check.Name}}\n**State:** {{.Check.State}}\n**Output**: {{.Check.Output}}" --title-template "Sensu Event - {{.Entity.Name}}/{{.Check.Name}}" --icon-url
Download the latest version of the sensu-microsoft-teams-handler from
releases, or create an executable from this source.
From the local path of the microsoft-team-handler repository:
go build -o /usr/local/bin/sensu-microsoft-teams-handler main.go
For more information about contributing to this plugin, see Contributing.
Please describe the reason for reporting this asset. Our moderators will be notified and will disable the asset if it is found to be inappropriate.