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v0.0.2 · public · Published about 4 years ago

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726dc59 make linter happy
38f4824 make linter happy
6aff079 Fix a typo, and enhance test to check to make sure message does exist in kafka topic
825813e Update
45a5007 update readme
78f81a4 update readme
722ea4c update readme
f76b2a0 add test for check annotation keyspace based topic override
c654ec7 update the changelog
26ba8ff update readme
7ffb3c4 update README
4fe32ff update README
40aae20 fix tty input error
4670f98 starting to document
f0a2aa3 only run tests on ubuntu-latest due to docker-compose usage
aa2968c comment out unused function in main_test to make linter happy
2c77826 remove swap file from git
1baed0c run kafka service in github actions test workflow
4002a8d added some testing
6df9f24 initial handler
1e58ca6 Initial commit

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