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v1.0.0 · public · Published almost 2 years ago

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Sensu Go Jira Handler

The Sensu Go Jira handler is a Sensu Event Handler that creates or updates a Jira issue.


Example Sensu Go definition:

    "api_version": "core/v2",
    "type": "Handler",
    "metadata": {
        "namespace": "default",
        "name": "jira"
    "spec": {
        "type": "pipe",
        "command": "sensu-jira-handler --jira-url '' --jira-project-key SEN --jira-username '' --jira-password 'secret' --jira-issue-type 'Bug'",
        "timeout": 10,
        "filters": [

Usage Examples


The Sensu Go Jira Handler

  sensu-jira-handler [flags]

  -h, --help                           help for sensu-jira-handler
  -P, --http-proxy string              The HTTP Proxy if necessary (ex. 'http://proxyhost:8080')
  -T, --http-timeout int               The HTTP timeout
  -t, --jira-issue-type string         The type of Jira issue to create
  -p, --jira-password string           The Jira password
  -k, --jira-project-key string        The Jira project key
  -n, --jira-project-name string       The Jira project name
  -s, --jira-resolution-state string   The key of the status to transition the issue to when resolving it
  -U, --jira-url string                The Jira URL
  -u, --jira-username string           The Jira usernane
  -v, --verbose                        Verbose mode

Authenticating Using Jira's Cloud Version

While the on-premise version of Jira uses basic HTTP authentication with only a simple username and password the cloud
version requires the use of an API token to authenticate. To create the API token perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Atlassian's API Tokens Screen
  2. Click on the Create API Token button
  3. In the popup box enter Sensu Jira Handler or any label of your liking
  4. Click on the Create button
  5. Click on Copy to clipboard to copy your token

The token copied becomes the password you use to authenticate using the --jira-password or -p option.


sensu-jira-handler --jira-username --jira-password xwBPFTG0s9zYgTfkFsK6505E ... 


sensu-jira-handler -u -p xwBPFTG0s9zYgTfkFsK6505E ... 

Resolving Issue Configuration

This Jira handler sets the resolution to done when resolving an issue. To make sure this works a screen with the resolution
needs to be configured in the transition to the Done state. If this is not setup correctly the issue resolution will fail.

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