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ed14b01 Rolling version 1.0.0
d4d8fdc Merge pull request #64 from sensu/maintenance/handler_updates
50c016f * Updated GitHub Actions: Added Lint action * Updated build to Go 1.14 * Added Secret: true to SMTP password * Updated Bonsai to fix Windows amd64 build * Added output log line for email sent * Updated modules (go get -u && go mod tidy) * README updates
b4cb4a5 Merge pull request #61 from ghoneycutt/patch-1
08434d5 refactor Debugging instructions to be more general
10a983e Document how to run from the command line for debugging purposes
5ece810 Merge pull request #59 from nixwiz/update_readme
46b85fc nitpick - remove the output of go build being called an executable script
5b08e51 Update CHANGELOG for README updates
b08236b Add link to template docs
23b14de Clarify template file

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