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v0.1.0 · public · Published almost 3 years ago

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f08a02f update .gitignore
9380f82 change name to check-multiplexer
b38189c change name to sensu-check-multiplexer
95ebf89 add annotated check definition example
231c2d4 add minimal input for testing
49f2bf8 first draft at Readme
6e9256b add minimal test input
a6771f6 better command failure handling
5a50390 better summary output
e92e599 working event generation and summary report
b684b42 clean up linter warnings
4570a95 only process individual argument options for a group if the group path doesnt exist. The group path is a release valve for commands that do not follow the long-option pattern.
8f82bdf support free form command argument string at annotation group key
3807d0e working command execution on linux using annotations
8412d3b add small
dd9302b should have working annotation parsing into commandlines
a6b38af checking in partial work to start searching annotations
2de6d8c first commit

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