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v2.0.0 · public · Published over 4 years ago

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check-hardware-fail will lookup in the output of dmesg for lines matching a provided query, it accepts --facility, --level and --kernel options to run dmesg command. Returns CRITICAL if any occurrence is found and UNKNOWN if provided options are invalid or the command execution fails.


  • bin/check-hardware-fail


Usage: ./check-hardware-fail.rb (options)
    -f FACILITY[,FACILITY],          Restrict output to defined facilities. Supported log facilities: kern,user,mail,daemon,auth,syslog,lpr,news
        --invert                     Invert order
    -k, --kernel                     Include kernel messages
    -L, --level LEVEL[,LEVEL]        Restrict output to defined levels, otherwise all levels are included. Supported log levels: emerg,alert,crit,err,warn,notice,info,debug
    -l, --lines NUMBER               Maximum number of lines to read from dmesg, 0 (default) means all
    -q, --query QUERY                What pattern to look for in the output of dmesg (regex or literal)
    -s, --seconds SECONDS            Amount of seconds to lookbehind from dmesg output. This option is incompatible with --lines

Example of usage:

Check the first 100 lines for 'killed as a result of limit'

check-hardware-fail.rb -l 100 --invert -q 'killed as a result of limit'

Check the last 100 lines for 'killed as a result of limit'

check-hardware-fail.rb -l 100 -q 'killed as a result of limit'

The following options are only available for linux OS:

  • --seconds Amount of seconds to lookbehind from dmesg output. This option is incompatible with --lines
  • --facility Restrict output to defined facilities. Supported log facilities: kern,user,mail,daemon,auth,syslog,lpr,news
  • --level Restrict output to defined levels, otherwise all levels are included. Supported log levels: emerg,alert,crit,err,warn,notice,info,debug
  • --kernel Include kernel messages

Check the last 300 seconds for 'killed as a result of limit'

check-hardware-fail.rb -s 300 -q 'killed as a result of limit'

Check the last 300 seconds for 'killed' on auth and syslog facilities

check-hardware-fail.rb -s 300 -f auth,syslog -q 'killed'


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