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  • c38d938 readme: update example
  • ae46833 implement check
  • 74b513b test: set real expected values
  • cd33263 context mustn't be canceled on scaning
  • bc1da64 convert values to str for log
  • 65fc653 test: fix build
  • 8cf50d9 test: check that there no query error
  • 8fad55f test: setup logger
  • c6620ec test: fix drop
  • 0243b96 test: separate execs
  • d0c7542 extract value
  • 6744667 run query
  • 547b25d ci: fix test
  • cc1333e ci: test no pw
  • eb17361 connect to DB
  • 48e9d0f readme: initial
  • fb8bfd2 Initial commit

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