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v0.0.6 · public · Published about 4 years ago

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Sensu Tripwire

Table of Contents


Sensu Tripwire is a collection of Sensu Assets, packaging up
Tripwire OSS
(version, making it easy to deploy an intrusion detection
system (IDS) to systems running the Sensu monitoring Agent.

Usage examples

Initialize a Tripwire database.

Run a full system check (and initialize the database if missing).

Run a Tripwire check on a specific web application. /var/www/*


Asset registration

sensuctl asset add portertech/sensu-tripwire

If you're using an earlier version of sensuctl, you can find the asset on the Bonsai Asset Index.

Building Tripwire Assets

From the local path of the sensu-tripwire repository:


Additional notes

This project can be used in combination with the

Help (as of version 1.2.0).

Usage: check-tripwire.rb (options)
    -b, --binary path/to/tripwire    tripwire binary to use, in case you hide yours
    -f path/to/configfile,           Configuration to use for the check
    -c, --critical critical severity Tripwire severity greater than this is a critical error
    -d path_or_url_to_database. if an http url is supplied the database will be retrieved prior to the check,
        --database                   Database to use for the check
    -P, --password PASSWORD          Password to unlock the keyfile
    -s, --site-key path/to/sitekey   Site key used to decrypt the database that will be used in the validation
    -w, --warn warning severity      Tripwire severity greater than this is warning

Example run.

check-tripwire.rb --binary --config-file /tmp/tw/tw.cfg

Register the required assets.

sensuctl asset add portertech/sensu-tripwire
sensuctl asset add sensu/sensu-ruby-runtime
sensuctl asset add sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-tripwire


For more information about contributing to this plugin, see Contributing.

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