MIT License
v0.0.3 · public · Published 8 months ago
Mysql alive check
check-mysql-alive [flags]
check-mysql-alive [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
version Print the version number of this plugin
-d, --database string Database schema to connect to (default "test")
-h, --help help for check-mysql-alive
--hostname string Hostname to login to (default "localhost")
-i, --ini string Location of my.cnf ini file for access to MySQL
--ini-section string Section to use from my.cnf ini file (default "client")
-p, --password string Password for user
--port uint Port to connect to (default 3306)
-s, --socket string Socket to use
-u, --user string MySQL user to connect
Use "check-mysql-alive [command] --help" for more information about a command.
The check connects to the supplied MySQL database and returns OK if it works. Ini file overrides commandline arguments for user/pass.
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