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v0.4.0 · public · Published over 4 years ago

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f198b91 Merge pull request #8 from nixwiz/pre_release/0.4.0
84e86c1 Rolling CHANGELOG for new version
a3b1676 add github action test badge
5a69f61 moved github actions workflows dir, removed travis build status tag from readme
ef4f8c2 Merge pull request #7 from nikkixdev/master
0585594 Merge branch 'master' of
db903ef Replace travis with github actions
a64595f Revert github actions
20f4dad Replace travis with github actions
2a63817 Update tests with proper args
aac480f Update help usage
32325f3 1.x parity support
80721d9 Replace travis with github actions
2634edd Revert github actions
9c4fa20 Replace travis with github actions
e6ab6f5 Update golangci-lint to v1.20.0 for Travis
6f3b2c2 Update tests with proper args
c726b03 Update help usage
29de417 1.x parity support
c281600 Merge pull request #6 from nixwiz/fix_goreleaser
52b8223 Fix goreleaser to use archives instead of deprecated archive
4ca9bf5 Updated secure env for github token
0908d07 Merge pull request #5 from nixwiz/pre_release/0.3.1
087fce9 Prepping 0.3.1 release for updated README
1b2fac7 Merge pull request #4 from hillaryfraley/patch-1
7fa3d2a Update
9b63c23 Format README
19fdbe8 Added Travis CI
7930266 Rolled version number
80e5abc Merge pull request #3 from nixwiz/modules_and_cleanup
0419dfa Update to use modules Compile with go1.12.9 Fix documentation to be more consistent
215cc1f fixed inadvertant extra changelog line(s)
61e3902 Fixed zeroing out of prefix if -n/--no-prefix specified
4fb1cac Added --no-prefix option
77c8a3c rolling version
9c7b9ca changed default port to 2013
45a3528 added gitignore
12d619d tagging initial release 0.1.0
78f99c7 added README
1f46d2e add in goreleaser and bonsai files
ec80cf8 initial code commit
69e080c Initial commit

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