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:heavy_check_mark: New Checks

:rocket: Enhancements & User Facing Changes

  • check_http supports the --expression option for using various operators such as ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= and can perform both string and number comparisons. Until changes to the check_http README are made, see PR #157 for details on the use of --expression.
  • Changed to check_memory from check_available_memory, including internal changes in preparation for more functionality than just checking available memory. (#159)
  • Output from check_file_exists now matches the output format of the other checks. (#161)

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • The CheckAvailableMemory() API call has been changed to CheckMemory() and given a check type parameter.
  • A resultMessage() function has been added to enforce message output consistency. (#161)

:clap: Contributors

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