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v0.1.1 · public · Published almost 4 years ago

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b9e36b5 Update
56e4fd7 Merge pull request #2 from nixwiz/fixes
6a0d640 readme fixes
4220f3c Merge pull request #1 from nixwiz/feature/dump_names
a4b4bb3 dump full event, not just the major portions (check, entity, metrics)
c4166f3 fix typo
47799c9 Update README for output changes
ff59a8b Switch from log to fmt for output and put template output in quotes
3aab524 more README changes
68f87bf Add in go.mod and go.sum files
cd47385 README updates
2e61c17 added dump-names functionality
907baca prepping for 0.0.1 release
4d5a85a add basic --template support
e38460b update readme
b6ae93b initial commit

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