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jspaleta/sensu-plugins-influxdb has been deprecated in favor of sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-influxdb

v1.4.1-pre · public · Published over 5 years ago

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alpine amd64
SHA: cd321ff5ed7f4c8a7dde8a34661e93a964537563ce2549af9c9243fca8da7ba97dabb07085076cd0e17383b9f39ef4604a2b74f84a19ee0bba9ec837aebe72c1
Last Modified: 2022-03-15
centos amd64
SHA: 2533e2511b76a2035e08b9c7f7a2b7922fcc4bce3c4882a2e0ac0ec56fc7c30b3b3a25a4e08c8038017122f5be8a54ab4ab1c960747ecf19a5868996993f7088
Last Modified: 2022-03-15
debian amd64
SHA: 130e25a20533582729f69e8b8be60b0fc7f6ebdddcbc7c62faaaacd1f792dbf465277224f9b5e87bbbaaa815104350b193bfcc3cab0d12fb97a1253496d2883c
Last Modified: 2022-03-15

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