MIT License
v0.0.1 · public · Published almost 5 years ago
This is a Golang native check for MSSQL. Using denisenkom/go-mssqldb.
This is pretty simple, it was to help diagnose a problem a customer was seeing with API calls that relied on an MSSQL database.
It just returns 0/1/2 and outputs the times in InfluxDB metrics format.
All configuration is via arguments or environment variables. -1 means those checks are disabled. If no checks are enabled, this is just a metrics check. All times are in nanos. So you probably want to specify warntime/crittime as 1000000000 for 1 second.
The Sensu Go mssql check
sensu-go-mssql-check [flags]
-C, --connstring string MSSQL Connection String (MSSQL_CHECK_CONNSTRING)
-c, --crittime int MSSQL Query Critical Time (MSSQL_CHECK_CRITTIME) (default -1)
-r, --desiredrows int MSSQL Query Desired Rows (MSSQL_CHECK_DESIREDROWS) (default -1)
-h, --help help for sensu-go-mssql-check
-q, --querystring string MSSQL Query String (MSSQL_CHECK_QUERYSTRING) (default "select 1")
-w, --warntime int MSSQL Query Warning Time (MSSQL_CHECK_WARNTIME) (default -1)
Assets are the best way to make use of this plugin. If you're not using an asset, please consider doing so! If you're using sensuctl 5.13 or later, you can use the following command to add the asset:
sensuctl asset add jmasseoavio/sensu-go-mssql-check:VERSION
If you're using an earlier version of sensuctl, you can find the asset on the Bonsai Asset Index.
TODO: Provide an example asset manifest
type: Asset
api_version: core/v2
url: https://CHANGEME
sha512: CHANGEME
Example Sensu Go definition:
api_version: core/v2
type: check
namespace: default
name: sensu-go-mssql-check
"...": "..."
Should run fine. :)
The preferred way of installing and deploying this plugin is to use it as an [asset]. If you would like to compile and install from source or contribute to it, download the latest version from releases or create an executable from this source.
From the local path of the sensu-go-mssql-check repository:
go build -o /usr/local/bin/sensu-go-mssql-check main.go
For more information about contributing to this plugin, see
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