MIT License
This asset is forked from an upstream project at that does not yet exist as a Bonsai asset.
forked from
v1.0.1 · public · Published about 4 years ago
This fork is automatically tested, built and published to RubyGems and Bonsai.
"logstash": {
"endpoint": [
"address": "host1.example.tld",
"port": 5000,
"output": "redis"
"address": "logstash-host1.example.tld",
"port": 5001,
"output": "udp"
"address": "logstash-host2.example.tld",
"port": 5002,
"output": "tcp"
"list": "logstash",
"type": "sensu-logstash",
"custom": {
"thisFieldWillBeMergedIntoTheTopLevelOfOutgoingJSON": {
"metadata": "some metadata",
"moreMetadata": 42
Supported output types: redis
, tcp
, udp
Please describe the reason for reporting this asset. Our moderators will be notified and will disable the asset if it is found to be inappropriate.