MIT License
This asset is forked from an upstream project at that does not yet exist as a Bonsai asset.
forked from
v4.0.1 · public · Published about 5 years ago
The Sensu assets packaged from this repository are built against the Sensu Ruby runtime environment. When using these assets as part of a Sensu Go resource (check, mutator or handler), make sure you include the corresponding Sensu Ruby runtime asset in the list of assets needed by the resource. The current ruby-runtime assets can be found here in the Bonsai Asset Index.
$ /opt/sensu/embedded/bin/metrics-haproxy.rb --help
Usage: /opt/sensu/embedded/bin/metrics-haproxy.rb (options)
-f BACKEND1[,BACKEND2], comma-separated list of backends to fetch stats from. Default is all backends
-c HOSTNAME|SOCKETPATH, HAproxy web stats hostname or path to stats socket (required)
-a, --expose-all Expose all possible metrics, includes "--server-metrics", "--backends" will still in effect
-p, --pass PASSWORD HAproxy web stats password
-q, --statspath STATUSPATH HAproxy web stats path (the / will be prepended to the STATUSPATH e.g stats)
-P, --port PORT HAproxy web stats port
-r, --retries RETRIES Number of times to retry fetching stats from haproxy before giving up.
-i, --retry_interval SECONDS Interval (seconds) between retries
-s, --scheme SCHEME Metric naming scheme, text to prepend to metric
--server-metrics Gathers additional frontend metrics, i.e. total requests
--use-explicit-names Use explicit names for frontend, backend, server, listener
--use-haproxy-names Use raw names as used in haproxy CSV format definition rather than human friendly names
-S, --use-ssl Use SSL to connect to HAproxy web stats
-u, --user USERNAME HAproxy web stats username
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