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02f9646 Merge pull request #14 from betorvs/opsgenie_sdk_v2
a440398 Merge branch 'master' into opsgenie_sdk_v2
fa2f1ed release 1.0.0
200cf71 release 1.0.0
3518e83 release 1.0.0
4b58995 prepare to relase 1.0.0
47f4dc3 prepare for release 1.0.0-rc1
079eabb prepare for release 1.0.0-rc1: add changelog, readme
94e1f7b prepare for release 1.0.0-rc1
94bb32f prepare for release 1.0.0-rc1
b10189a update README
0a858ce update go ; add opsgenie_authtoken and opsgenie_team option to parse from event
589fc32 add more json examples; update dependencies
76576e6 small fix to avoid creation of event with status 0
0e919e1 fix context lint issues
9234c2a first draft using opsgenie-go-sdk-v2

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