MIT License
v0.0.3-rc13 · public · Published over 3 years ago
The sensu-alertmanager-events is a Sensu Check that fetch alerts from Alert Manager and send it to sensu agent api. It was inspired by sensu-kubernetes-events and sensu-aggregate-check. It doesn't require any change in Alert Manager configuration.
Sensu check for alert maanager events
sensu-alertmanager-events [flags]
sensu-alertmanager-events [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
version Print the version number of this plugin
-A, --agent-api-url string The URL for the Agent API used to send events (default "")
-a, --alert-manager-api-url string The URL for the Agent to connect to Alert Manager (default "http://alertmanager-main.monitoring:9093/api/v2/alerts")
-c, --alert-manager-cluster-label-entity string Alert Manager label that represent a cluster entity inside Sensu
-x, --alert-manager-exclude-alert-list string Alert Manager alerts to be excluded. split by comma. (default "Watchdog,")
-e, --alert-manager-external-url string Alert Manager External URL
-l, --alert-manager-label-selectors string Query for Alertmanager LabelSelectors (e.g. alertname=TargetDown,environment=dev)
-T, --alert-manager-target-alertname string Alert name for Targets in prometheus. It creates a link in label prometheus_targets_url (default "TargetDown")
-B, --api-backend-host string Sensu Go Backend API Host (e.g. '') (default "")
-k, --api-backend-key string Sensu Go Backend API Key
-P, --api-backend-pass string Sensu Go Backend API Password (default "P@ssw0rd!")
-p, --api-backend-port int Sensu Go Backend API Port (e.g. 4242) (default 8080)
-u, --api-backend-user string Sensu Go Backend API User (default "admin")
-C, --auto-close-sensu Configure it to Auto Close if event doesn't match any Alerts from Alert Manager. Please configure others api-backend-* options before enable this flag
--auto-close-sensu-label string Configure it to Auto Close if event doesn't match any Alerts from Alert Manager and with these label. e. {"cluster":"k8s-dev"}
-h, --help help for sensu-alertmanager-events
-i, --insecure-skip-verify skip TLS certificate verification (not recommended!)
--rewrite-annotation string Rewrite Annotation from prometheus rules to sensu annotation format to work with sensu plugins. Format: Or for multiples use comma:,extraTwo=extraValue
-s, --secure Use TLS connection to API
--sensu-extra-annotation string Add Extra Sensu Check Annotation in alert send to Sensu Agent API. Format: annotationName=annotationValue Or for multiples use comma: annotationName=annotationValue,extraTwo=extraValue
--sensu-extra-label string Add Extra Sensu Check Label in alert send to Sensu Agent API. Format: labelName=labelValue Or for multiple values labelName=labelValue,ExtraLabel=ExtraValue
-H, --sensu-handler string Sensu Handler for alerts. Split by commas (default "default,")
-n, --sensu-namespace string Configure which Sensu Namespace wll be used by alerts (default "default")
-E, --sensu-proxy-entity string Overwrite Proxy Entity in Sensu
-t, --trusted-ca-file string TLS CA certificate bundle in PEM format
Use "sensu-alertmanager-events [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Sensu Assets are the best way to make use of this plugin. If you're not using an asset, please
consider doing so! If you're using sensuctl 5.13 with Sensu Backend 5.13 or later, you can use the
following command to add the asset:
sensuctl asset add betorvs/sensu-alertmanager-events
If you're using an earlier version of sensuctl, you can find the asset on the [Bonsai Asset Index][].
Maybe you need to add extra flags if you want to use --auto-close-sensu
type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
name: sensu-alertmanager-events
namespace: default
command: sensu-alertmanager-events -e ""
- k8s-agents
- betorvs/sensu-alertmanager-events
If you run these check in more than one cluster and use the same Sensu Namespace, use this flag:
--auto-close-sensu-label "{\"cluster\":\"\"}"
The preferred way of installing and deploying this plugin is to use it as an Asset. If you would
like to compile and install the plugin from source or contribute to it, download the latest version
or create an executable script from this source.
From the local path of the sensu-alertmanager-events repository:
go build
For more information about contributing to this plugin, see Contributing.
Please describe the reason for reporting this asset. Our moderators will be notified and will disable the asset if it is found to be inappropriate.