5.0.1Community tier Published January 24, 2020 forked from https://github.com/sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-opsgenie; it does not yet have a Bonsai asset.
Sensu plugins for OpsGenie
3.3.8-alphaCommunity tier Published January 27, 2020 forked from https://github.com/sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-percona; it does not yet have a Bonsai asset.
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1.0.0Community tier Published June 25, 2020 forked from https://github.com/sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-php-fpm; it does not yet have a Bonsai asset.
Sensu Php-fpm Plugins
This plugin provides native Postfix instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection of the mail queue via `mailq`.
This plugin provides native Postfix instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection of the mail queue via `mailq`.
This plugin provides native PostgreSQL instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, database locks, replication status, database size, `pg_stat_bgwriter` metrics, and more.
This plugin provides native PostgreSQL instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, database locks, replication status, database size, `pg_stat_bgwriter` metrics, and more.
4.0.0-pre-jef.1Community tier Published January 8, 2020 forked from https://github.com/sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-postgres; it does not yet have a Bonsai asset.
This plugin provides native PostgreSQL instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, database locks, replication status, database size, `pg_stat_bgwriter` metrics, and more.
This plugin provides native PostgreSQL instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, database locks, replication status, database size, `pg_stat_bgwriter` metrics, and more.
This plugin provides native PostgreSQL instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, database locks, replication status, database size, `pg_stat_bgwriter` metrics, and more.
4.0.0-preCommunity tier Published April 17, 2019 Deprecated in favor of: sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-process-checks
This plugin provides native process instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: process status, uptime, thread count, and others.
This plugin provides native process instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: process status, uptime, thread count, and others.
This plugin provides native RabbitMQ instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, message, consumer, and queue health/metrics via `rabbitmq_management`, and more.
Sensu RAID array checks
2.0.4-bonsai.0.1Community tier Published November 17, 2020 forked from danragnar/sensu-plugins-raid-checks
Sensu RAID array checks
This plugin provides native Redis instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, replication status, `INFO` metrics, key counts, list lengths, and more.
2.0.1-bonsaiCommunity tier Published July 1, 2020 forked from https://github.com/sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-selinux; it does not yet have a Bonsai asset.
Sensu SELinux Plugins
Sensu SFTP Plugins
Sensu SFTP Plugins
This plugin provides native SNMP instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: generic OID single/bulk query for status and metrics, and ifTable metrics.