This Sensuctl command plugin allows you to test and validate Sensu plugin template strings, to ensure the templating logic works correctly before you use them in other plugins.
Sensuctl Command for Sensu Plugin Template Validation
Random return status, just for testing
This plugin provides native RabbitMQ instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, message, consumer, and queue health/metrics via `rabbitmq_management`, and more.
go library and cli for executing apps with environments defined in a file
test asset
This plugin provides native instrumentation for monitoring Chef, including service health checks (via chef-server-ctl) and chef node status, and a Sensu handler for removing stale Sensu clients.
This plugin provides native disk instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: health, usage, and various metrics.
This plugin provides native ElasticSearch instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health and metrics for cluster, node, and more.
This plugin provides native instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including:health, usage, and various metrics of filesystem attributes.
This plugin provides native InfluxDB instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health via `/ping`, running queries, and service metrics.
This plugin provides native load instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: load health, and total or per core metrics.
This plugin provides native instrumentation for monitoring log files or system logs via journald for regular expressions, and a Sensu handler for logging Sensu events to log files.
This plugin provides native memory instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: memory usage via `free` and `vmstat`, including metrics. Note that this plugin may have cross-platform issues.
This plugin provides native network instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: hardware, TCP response, RBLs, whois, port status, and more.
This plugin provides native NTP instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: server drift, and metrics via `ntpdate` and `ntpstats`.
This plugin provides native process instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: process status, uptime, thread count, and others.
A Sensu handler plugin for sending notifications via Pushover