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  • Aaron Sachs
    Community tier Published

    Sensu plugins for Systemd

  • Aaron Sachs
    Community tier Published

    This plugin provides native Graphite instrumentation for monitoring, including: replication status, various Graphite data queries, mutators, and handlers

  • alerta
    Community tier Published

    Use Alerta as a dashboard for Sensu

  • Aaron Sachs
    Community tier Published

    Sensu VictorOps Handlers

  • Sayak Ghosh
    Community tier Published

    This plugin provides native instrumentation for collecting uptime and idletime metrics.

  • Sam Roy
    Community tier Published

    A framework for writing Sensu plugins & handlers with Ruby.

  • Sam Roy
    Community tier Published

    This plugin provides native SNMP instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: generic OID single/bulk query for status and metrics, and ifTable metrics.

  • Sam Roy
    Community tier Published

    Sensu Windows Plugins

  • 2.1.0
    Enterprise tier Published

    A Sensu Go Handler for launching Ansible Tower Job Templates for automated remediation.

  • socrata-platform
    Community tier Published

    A set of Sensu plugins for monitoring Habitat

  • sensu-plugins
    Community tier Published

    This plugin provides native Redis instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, replication status, `INFO` metrics, key counts, list lengths, and more.

  • sensu-plugins
    Community tier Published

    This plugin provides native ElasticSearch instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health and metrics for cluster, node, and more.

  • Jef Spaleta
    Community tier Published Deprecated in favor of: sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-filesystem-checks

    This plugin provides native instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including:health, usage, and various metrics of filesystem attributes.

  • sensu-plugins
    Community tier Published

    This plugin provides native instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including:health, usage, and various metrics of filesystem attributes.

  • Jef Spaleta
    Community tier Published Deprecated in favor of: sensu-plugins/sensu-plugins-logs

    This plugin provides native instrumentation for monitoring log files or system logs via journald for regular expressions, and a Sensu handler for logging Sensu events to log files.

  • sensu-plugins
    Community tier Published

    This plugin provides native instrumentation for monitoring log files or system logs via journald for regular expressions, and a Sensu handler for logging Sensu events to log files.

  • sensu-plugins
    Community tier Published

    This plugin provides native AWS instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: health and metrics for various AWS services, such as EC2, RDS, ELB, and more, as well as handlers for EC2, SES, and SNS.

  • sensu-plugins
    Community tier Published

    This plugin provides native vmstat instrumentation for metrics collection, including: processes waiting, interrupts per second, and more.

  • sensu-plugins
    Community tier Published

    This plugin provides native system I/O instrumentation for metrics collection via the system `ioping` utility.

  • 1.0.0
    Enterprise tier Published

    Sensu Go Moogsoft Handler