A simple HTTP check for Sensu Go (Demo)
This plugin provides native MySQL instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, `InnoDB` locks, replication status, metrics collection, and sending metrics to a MySQL database.
Collect Prometheus metrics with Sensu!
collection of sensu-go binaries written in node
LVM Volume Group checks for Sensu
This plugin provides native MySQL instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, `InnoDB` locks, replication status, metrics collection, and sending metrics to a MySQL database.
Sensu NewRelic Plugins
This plugin provides native Graphite instrumentation for monitoring, including: replication status, various Graphite data queries, mutators, and handlers
Sensu plugins for Nexmo (Vonage).
Sensu Php-fpm Plugins
This plugin provides native SSL instrumentation for monitoring, including: hostname and chain verification, cert expiry, and Qualys SSL Labs reporting
Sensu plugins for Supervisor
Sensu etcd Plugins
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Sensu SELinux Plugins
This plugin provides native HTTP instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: response code, JSON response, HTTP last modified, SSL expiry, and metrics via `curl`.
The Sensu Maintenance Mode Handler is a Sensu Handler that silences the entity from a generated event for a specified time period and reason.
Vonage (Nexmo) plugins for Sensu Go
This plugin provides native instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including:health, usage, and various metrics of filesystem attributes.
Collection of Windows Powershell checks for Sensu