This plugin provides native SSL instrumentation for monitoring, including: hostname and chain verification, cert expiry, and Qualys SSL Labs reporting
Sensu plugins for Systemd
Simple cross-platform memory and swap usage checks
This plugin provides native MongoDB instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, replication lag/status, `oplog` monitoring, collection-specific metrics, and more.
Sensu Ruby Runtime using ruby 2.6
This plugin provides native disk instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: health, usage, and various metrics.
This plugin provides native PostgreSQL instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, database locks, replication status, database size, `pg_stat_bgwriter` metrics, and more.
Send Sensu Go collected metrics to Google Stackdriver.
Sensu Go Handler for sending alerts via SNMP traps
A set of Sensu plugins for monitoring Habitat
This plugin provides native PostgreSQL instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, database locks, replication status, database size, `pg_stat_bgwriter` metrics, and more.
This plugin provides native memcached instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health and metrics via the memcached stats command.
This plugin provides native MySQL instrumentation for monitoring and metrics collection, including: service health, database connectivity, `InnoDB` locks, replication status, metrics collection, and sending metrics to a MySQL database.
LVM Volume Group checks for Sensu
Check for critical updates on Redhat and Centos
Simple cross-platform disk usage check
Sensu Php-fpm Plugins
Vonage (Nexmo) plugins for Sensu Go
This plugin provides native instrumentation for monitoring Consul, including: Consul server service and cluster health, and querying the Consul API to check for passing/critical services.
This plugin provides native nginx instrumentation for metrics collection, including: metrics via `stub_status`.