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v1.0.0 · public · Published over 4 years ago

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Release Assets

Sensu Go Moogsoft Handler

The Sensu Go Moogsoft handler is a Sensu Event Handler that sends Events to Moogsoft.

NOTE: This Enterprise plugin is intended for preview use only, it is under active development.


Example Sensu Go handler definition:

api_version: core/v2
type: Handler
  namespace: default
  name: moogsoft
  type: pipe
  - sensu-moogsoft-handler
  command: sensu-moogsoft-handler --api-url --username sensu --password secret
  timeout: 30
  - is_incident
  - not_silenced

Enterprise Plugin

The Sensu Go Moogsoft Handler is an Enterprise plugin that requires a valid Sensu license to run.
Sensu Go >= 5.21 will add the SENSU_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to the handler execution.
To run the plugin independently of Sensu (ex. test/dev), you must set the env var:

SENSU_LICENSE_FILE=$(sensuctl license info --format json)

Usage Examples

The Sensu Go handler for sending Events to Moogsoft

  sensu-moogsoft-handler [flags]

  -a, --api-url string    The Moogsoft API Webhook URL
  -h, --help              help for sensu-moogsoft-handler
  -p, --password string   The Moogsoft API user password
  -u, --username string   The Moogsoft API username

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This asset is enterprise only and requires an enterprise license. By clicking download, you agree to the Sensu terms and conditions and license agreement.